Wherever you work, there will be cibai lang. Same with me. From the first company which is fatty until the recent company which is aneneh.
Don't ever think that is very lucky to work with a multinational company. The relationship can be also very complicated.
Ok. Let talk bout aneneh this time. Aneneh is very very smart. Very hard to defeat him. Or can be say is impossible to defeat him.
This is because he is very close with my boss, or can be say his shoe polishing skill is superb.
In hokkien we call this "kam lam pa". Means suck dick in english.
My colleague which is from different dept told me that his "kam lam pa" skills is superb until he will ask my boss "song boh (syok?)", "ai mai geh kam jit tao (wanna suck again?)". Sei mou…
Why I will say this? This is because I feel that I wanna take something away from me this time. From the first day I join, he oledi try a few attempt to kacau me.
First, when I join, I wants me to join force with him to kena my senior which is a good guy who willing to teach me SAP.
Then, at the same time, he assign some tedious task to me without my boss and my senior notice. (When they notice, is already too late)
After that, he try to assign more task to me but this time my senior kena him back.
Then, he jit thao dulan me and kena me few times whenever he got chance but so far all kena blocked.
Now, after my boss assign a project to me, suddenly he treat me so nice… fetch me back, teach me how to communicate with other uesrs from ASEAN, help me to do something regarding to this project, trying to know hows the project flows… this kind of action makes more and more curious that I wanna take over my project.
Previously, when I read a book regarding to 2006 luck, the books also remind me that becareful of some cibai lang who will take chance from me...
Seems like I have to do something now...